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Watch videos and podcasts on Youtube through the app, even stream and download content to your channel

Watch videos and podcasts on Youtube through the app, even stream and download content to your channel

Vote: (429 votes)

Program license: Free

Developer: Google

Version: 19.16.38

Works under: Android


Program license

(429 votes)






Works under:



  • Google gives users a well-designed app
  • Many obvious and not-so-obvious features
  • Millions of videos are available for viewing


  • Watching high-resolution videos eats through data
  • Hours of video viewing burns through battery life as well
  • Notifications in the app don't always work well

YouTube for Android allows users to browse and view millions of videos. Billions of hours of content are available on the platform. Businesses, organizations, and private individuals can upload videos to the service with ease. Fortunately, this gives users tons of content to watch each and every day. The Android app for YouTube is one of the most popular mobile apps on the planet with over a billion installs since release.

An Overview Of The YouTube App

When the YouTube app is opened, users are presented with recommended videos for themselves. Typically, recommendations come from a mix of current subscriptions and algorithm-based suggestions from Google. The app itself looks fresh, and menus are simple to navigate. Most users will find the recommendations more useful than not, but results will vary from user to user.

Countless updates have made YouTube run smooth and fast without any noticeable stutters or lagging on decent hardware. As with most apps, low-end hardware may struggle to play higher resolution videos or navigate through menus seamlessly. Speaking of resolution, each video in the app can have its resolution toggled, which is a useful feature. YouTube supports notifications, and they work well enough but could be improved in certain ways.

YouTube's gigantic library of content shines through most of all, especially on Android devices. No user will run out of things to watch, and millions of new videos are uploaded each day. Regardless of interests or preferences, something is available to view on YouTube every moment that will pique a viewer's interest. Perhaps the only downside to this abundance of content is that not everything is worth watching or sorting through.

A Great Experience In A Great App

As previously mentioned, the YouTube for Android app isn't perfect. It still comes pretty close to perfection and is one of the best content portals available today. Everything works well on Android devices, and rarely will users find themselves frustrated. The occasional app crash or hanging video is bound to happen. Also, video viewing in general burns through both data and battery life - things every user should expect going in.

Billions of people view YouTube videos every 24 hours, and many access the service through an Android smartphone or tablet. In the end, Google provides an excellent gateway into YouTube's content through the Android app. Few apps run better, and optimization through regular updates shines through here. Many of Google's in-house apps are well-polished, so Google users won't find any surprises here. Like any app, certain issues arise from time to time, but the app simply works when it comes to viewing a video at the touch of a button.


  • Google gives users a well-designed app
  • Many obvious and not-so-obvious features
  • Millions of videos are available for viewing


  • Watching high-resolution videos eats through data
  • Hours of video viewing burns through battery life as well
  • Notifications in the app don't always work well

The Youtube app brings the power of the world's videos to your phone. Youtube itself provides access to music videos, movies, television shows and other forms of content. Through the app, users get to watch all the content they could watch on their computers.

The app provides each search functionality, allowing users to pick out the content they want to view. Beyond that, it provides the ability to log in, allowing users to save the videos they like, build playlists and even upload their own content directly from their phones. It's one of the most popular apps in the world for a good reason.

View all kinds of videos on YouTube from your Android.

This is an app that is easy to use and what you would find with most other computers and phones. It allows you to watch videos that are on YouTube at any time. All you have to do is search for a video that you want to watch by the title of the clip or the person who is featured in the video. The app resizes the video content so that it fits on your screen, allowing you to see the video in an easier manner instead of the sides being cut off.